Earth Mother : Nurturing Motherhood
Mar 08, 2024Notes from pregnancy:
I wrote the following notes 3 days before delivering my daughter. I had just left my OB appointment and was full of fire.
"The word induction has been thrown around for the last few weeks.. and I feel as though my eyes have opened.
For a healthy, harmonious full term pregnancy.. why is there so much emphasis on rushing?
Have we gotten so far away from the natural connection? The connection between mother and seems to be that we have turned towards force instead of connection.
Has our society been so conditioned to feel FEAR... fear of the unknown, fear of pain, fear of the discomfort...
That we take away the experience and connection of Mother and Child?
It is not lost on me the significance and blessings that motherhood brings. It is a rite of passage that many women desire in this lifetime.
This doesn't mean that we go against western medicine.. but what if we approached treatment WHOLESOMELY.
As a human, we have soooo many components that need balancing.
Mind, Emotions, Body, and Soul.
Have we lost our connection so much that this has become a fast paced, revolving door business that takes away the experience of the mother, the voice of the child, and this rite of passage?
What if we emphasized the connection of the mother to her own heart... and to her child's heart. If we chose to listen to our children before they come and then while in utero. And not just the Timeframe that the medical field schedules...."
I have so may thoughts from my experience thus far. And as I process through, as a woman, a psychic medium, a mother,and wife... I want to share the journey that is my heart. It has opened my eyes to a society that I feel has lost their way.
But it is also the journey of becoming. Of dying. Of opening. Of softening. Of getting out of the grind that our society has influenced upon us. It is a journey of returning back to Nature, back to Mother, back to Earth.
This space I want to share my heart, I want to share empowerment, connection, and support...
Including preconception, connecting with baby before pregnancy.
Pregnancy, miscarriage, love and loss.
Delivery, connection, intuition.
And Postpartum, The support that is greatly lacking for women.
This is motherhood, this is femininity, this is our sovereignty.
Angelica Grace